Micro Actions for Lasting Change
When New Year’s Resolutions have a (sad) history of failure, why do we keep attempting sweeping changes? Perhaps setting your sights on something smaller will lead to bigger results in the long run.
When New Year’s Resolutions have a (sad) history of failure, why do we keep attempting sweeping changes? Perhaps setting your sights on something smaller will lead to bigger results in the long run.
Protein, fiber, and healthy fats increase satiety and help you feel full longer. Try this nutrient-packed dip with fresh crudité or pita.
Let’s be real: When life gets overwhelming, it’s much easier to reach for a candy bar than it is a bowl of vegetables.
Are fortified foods truly even better for you than whole foods?
Every year I overdo it during the holidays and feel burned out on food and people. How can I avoid it this holiday season?
How much protein do I actually need — is more better?
Do you have tips for healthy snacks I can eat on the go to avoid getting “hangry” and resisting the vending machine?
October is National Fair Trade Month, so let’s take a moment to think about where our chocolate comes from this Halloween.
The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch app turned 10 this year, and this smartphone stalwart is still helping users make ocean-friendly decisions about seafood every day.
We’ve all heard why eating local’s great: it supports nearby communities, there are environmental benefits, just-picked produce is higher in nutritional value, and seasonal produce almost always tastes better (heads...
I want to make healthy, filling meals, but I’m strapped for time. How can I avoid falling into the salad rut?
What are superfoods? How much should I eat to get antioxidant health benefits?